ISO Aluminium alloy castings Visual method for assessing porosity, ISO Essential oil of vetiver [Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty, syn. Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash, ISO Essential oil of ginger [Zingiber officinale Roscoe, ISO AC Resilient floor coverings Expanded (cushioned) poly(vinyl chloride) floor covering Specification (ISO), ISO Agricultural food products Layout for a standard method of sampling from a lot, ISO Eye and face protection Sunglasses and related eyewear Part Sunglasses for general use (ISO), ISO Footwear Test method for the determination of the resistance of elastic materials for footwear to repeated extension Fatigue resistance (ISO), ISO DAmd ISO DAmd , ISO Clay geosynthetic barriers Determination of water absorption of bentonite, ISO FDAmd Paddling pools. Check out this ISO/TS 80004-12:2016-Nanotechnologies Vocabulary for more info.
ISO Graphic technology Determination of the operating power consumption of digital printing devices, ISO IEC Information technology Adaptive Lossless Data Compression algorithm (ALDC), ISO IEC Information technology Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Part Conformance Test Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (CT PICS) Proforma, ISO IEC TR Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange betwesystems Using ECMA (CSTA XML) in a Voice Browser Environment, ISO IEC Information technology Security techniques Blind digital signatures, ISO Liming material Determination of neutralizing value Titrimetric methods, ISO IEC Amd Signalling of additional composition type and profiles, ISO Geotechnical investigation and testing Field testing Part Borehole dynamic probing (ISO), ISO Gas analysis Comparison methods for the determination of the composition of gas mixtures based on one and two point calibration, ISO IEC Information technology Rich media user interfaces. Click this ISO/TR 8124-8:2016-Safety of toys for extra details.
ISO Road vehicles Communication betwevehicle and external equipment for emissions related diagnostics, ISO Plastics Determination of total luminous transmittance and reflectance, ISO Non active surgical implants Implant coating, ISO Plastics film and sheeting Determination of impact resistance by the free falling dart method, ISO Mechanical vibration Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration Part Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pump storage plants, ISO Metallic coatings Review of porosity tests, ISO Prostheses and orthoses Factors to be included whdescribing physical activity of a person who has had a lower limb amputation(s) or who has a deficiency of a lower limb segment(s) present at birth, ISO Road vehicles Trailers up to, t Control of welded towing brackets for coupling ball after fatigue testing, ISO Protective clothing for users of hand held chainsaws Part Performance requirements and test methods for protective gaiters (ISO), ISO Packaging Accessible design Ease of opening. Follow this ISO/IEC 22275:2018-Information technology Programming languages, their environments, and system software interfaces ECMAScript? Specification Suite for further information.
ISO TR Road vehicles Injury risk curves for evaluation of occupant protection in frontal impact, ISO Steel Determination of calcium content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, ISO Technical product documentation Document management, ISO Water quality Determination of glyphosate and AMPA Method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with tandem mass spectrometric detection, ISO Soil quality Sampling of soil invertebrates Part Hand sorting and extraction of earthworms (ISO), ISO Steel and iron Determination of sulfur content Gravimetric method, ISO Steel for the prestressing of concrete, ISO Technical product documentation (TPD) Presentation of dimensions and tolerances Part General principles (ISO), ISO Textiles Measurement of exothermic and endothermic properties of textiles under humidity change, ISO Water quality Determination of dissolved oxygOptical sensor method. Check out this ISO 17893:2004-Steel wire ropes Vocabulary, designation and classification for good measure.